Output Table: Water Composition
aqion displays the results of the hydrochemical calculations in different ways. One example is shown in the right screenshot. In this table, three aqueous solutions (each in one column) are shown and compared:1
Input – the input water itself (raw data)
Output 1 – the solution in chemical equilibrium (and after charge-balance adjustment)
Output 2 – the same like Output 1, but with mineral-water interaction (incl. redox reactions)
The values in the last two columns differ only when mineral phases precipitate and/or dissolve or when redox reactions are present. [In this example, no minerals precipitate,2 but some minor redox reactions take place that change the redox potential.]
Physico-Chemical Parameters
The table shown above contains the following physico-chemical parameters (rows from top to bottom):
pH | pH value of the solution |
pe | pe value of the solution |
Eh | redox potential in mV (related to standard hydrogen electrode) |
T | temperature of the solution in °C |
Ionic strength | ionic strength in mmol/L |
TDS | total dissolved solids in mg/L |
EC | electrical conductivity in µS/cm (at sampling temperature)3 |
EC_25 | temperature-compensated value EC25 in µS/cm at 25 |
Alkalinity | total alkalinity (M alkalinity) in meq/L or ppm CaCO34 |
CH | carbonate hardness or temporary hardness in meq/L or ppm CaCO34 |
TH | total hardness in meq/L or ppm CaCO35 |
C.B.E. | charge-balance error (CBE) in percent6 |
Element Concentrations – The lower section of the table lists the total element concentrations in mg/L (or in mmol/L if the upper checkbox mol is activated).
Upper Menu Bar
mol | checkbox to switch between concentration units: mg/L ⇔ mmol/L |
digits | specifies the number of digits after the decimal point |
Ions | opens a table of all ions and aqueous complexes (complete speciation)7 |
Minerals | opens a table of the precipitated or dissolved mineral phases (if any) and the saturation indices |
Export | writes the table(s) into text files (for Excel or other programs) |
? | online help |
Lower Menu Bar
Save Out 1 | stores8 the calculated solution shown in column Output 1 |
Save Out 2 | stores8 the calculated solution shown in column Output 2 |
Last line | jumps to the last table row (relevant only for large tables) |
« back | returns to the main window |
next » | displays next panel with relevant data of the carbonate system (buffer capacities, alkalinity, CO2 partial pressure) and the calcite-carbonate system (SI, LSI) |
Remarks & Footnotes
The program provides three calculation methods for EC, which can be selected in Settings in the upper menu bar of the main window. ↩
To switch between units “meq/L” and “ppm CaCO3”, click the upper mol checkbox. ↩ ↩2
Also named “general hardness” GH (reminiscent of the German “Gesamthärte” = total hardness). ↩
The CBE is non-zero only in the first column (input water); after charge-balance adjustment CBE becomes zero – see the last two columns. ↩
The calculated solutions in Output 1 and Output 2 can be saved for successive combination of reaction processes. This, however, is only allowed in aqion PRO. ↩ ↩2