Charge-Balance Adjustment

Step 1:  Calculate the Charge Balance Error

The first thing aqion does when you click on the button Start is to calculate the charge-balance error (CBE) of the input water. The screenshot below shows the CBE of the example water ib.sol.1

aqion: output panel for the charge balance error (CBE)

The output panel displays:

The user can now select a chemical parameter, which will be re-adjusted to establish charge balance. The following parameters are available in the drop-down list:2

•  pH value (default)
•  Ca  
•  Mg  
•  Na  
•  K  
•  SO4 [S(6)]
•  DIC [C(4)]
•  Cl  
•  NO3 [N(5)]
•  NH4 [N(-3)]
•  … etc.  

Note: The button Details opens a guidance for charge-balance adjustment. It provides a hint which parameter, cation or anion, should be selected to establish charge balance.

Step 2:  Adjust Charge Balance

aqion: charge-balance adjustment

The example above has an error of -1.89. If we select the parameter “DIC” and click on button next ≫, the right screenshot pops up. It tells us that DIC is decreased:3

   5.894 mM ⇒ 5.455 mM

The line below displays the amount added (as the difference of both values):

   ΔDIC = -0.439 mM

A positive (negative) Δ-value signals addition (removal) of the element. The obtained solution is fully charge-balanced (and is referred to as Output 1).

In addition, aqion performs a second calculation (Output 2) to check whether minerals precipitate or not. In this example, the equilibrium solution is supersaturated with two minerals: calcite and siderite. The precipitation causes the final pH change from 7.00 to 6.95.


  1. The complete speciation of the example water ib.sol is presented as PowerPoint

  2. The symbols in square braces represent the corresponding valence states

  3. The concentration units can be switched between mg/L and mmol/L (by the drop-down field to the right of the Δ-value). 

[last modified: 2024-05-26]