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Journal Articles & Research Papers (2013-2024)

The software aqion has been cited in the following scientific papers:

  1. JM Jaquet, et al.: Preliminary investigations on picoplankton-related precipitation of alkaline-earth metal carbonates in meso-oligotrophic lake Geneva (Switzerland), Journal of Limnology, 72(3): 592-605, 2013

  2. Y Wang: Radionuclide Interaction and Transport in Representative Geologic Media, prepared for U.S. Dept of Energy, Sep 2013

  3. AVA-CO2 – Schlussbericht UTF 387.21.11, “Weiterentwicklung der hydrothermalen Karbonisierung zur CO2-sparenden und kosteneffizienten Trocknung von Klär­schlamm im industriellen Massstab sowie der Rückgewinnung von Phosphor”, Züricher Hochschule, Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen, Okt 2013

  4. c’t 6/2013 – Magazin für Computertechnik, Software für Wissenschaft und Technik, S. 138-146 (in German)

  5. O.Ya. Chervyatsova, AS Pahunov: The role of fiber calcite micro-crystals in the formation of speleothems under different supergene conditions (on the example of the Shulgan-Tash Cave, the South Urals), Speleology and Karstology No.11, Simferopol 2013, pages 5-20 (in Russian)

  6. Norbert Galler: Investigation of optical pH sensors below 10 mM ionic strength, Master’s Thesis, Technische Universität Graz, 2013

  7. AM Linsenmeier, et al.: Thick textured acidified dairy or dairy-like products and methods for producing same, U.S. Patent Application US 14/025,817, Mar 2014

  8. Tae-soo Kim, et al.: Carbon nanotube-metal particle complex composition and heated steering wheel, U.S. Patent 20120118868 A1

  9. Xuanming Zhang: Metal Adsorption and Desorption Studies with Paint Waste Generated during Bridge Rehabilitation in New York State, Master’s Thesis, New Jersey Institute of Technology, May 2014

  10. VV Aphane: Evaluation of acid rock drainage potential in the Waterberg Coalfield, Thesis, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, Aug 2014

  11. Martin Georg Luz: Removal of Dissolved Pollutants from Highway Stormwater with Low-cost Adsorbents, Diplom’s Thesis, Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Water and River Basin Management; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Dept of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Oct 2014

  12. Sara George: Volcanic Pollution, in E-Journal of International Pollution Issues, Dept of Geography, Hunter College, City University of New York, Dec 2014

  13. OY Chervyatsova, YV Dublyansky, SS Potapov, AS Pakhunov, LV Leonova, SP Glavatskikh, VS Zhitenev: Needle-fiber calcite in Kapova Cave (the Southern Urals, Russia) – Influence on Upper Paleolithic wall paintings and genesis problems. In: The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage. Boca Raton: CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-138-02694-0, p. 265-274 (2014)

  14. Zhendong Liu, et al.: Molybdate-free sterilizing and pasteurizing solutions, U.S. Patent 20140219994 A1

  15. Jie Cao, et al.: Electroless plating of silver onto graphite, U.S. Patent 20140295066 A1, 2014

  16. RH Altamirano, et al.: Process to obtain random copolymers derived from itaconic acid and/or its isomers and sodium alkenyl sulfonates, U.S. Patent 20140319063 A1, 2014

  17. Joseph P Reo, et al.: Therapeutic solution concentrate, U.S. Patent 20140080918 A1, 2014

  18. Report: In-situ Biomethane Enrichment by Effluent Recirculation from Biogas Channel Digester, Project SCH-NR2012-105, Sirichai Energy Research and Development Institute, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, Dec 2014

  19. Nelson Caballero-Arzápalo: Untersuchungen zum anaeroben Abbauprozess ausgewählter Abfallsubstrate mit Hilfe spezieller Mikroorganismen und Enzyme, (Anaerobic Degradation Process of Selected Waste Substrates Using Specific Micro-organisms and Enzymes), Dissertation, TU München, Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt, Feb 2015

  20. J Aurich-Costa, E Ewen, M Gildea: Methods and kits for performing in situ hybridization, U.S. Patent Application US 20150064701 A1, Mar 2015

  21. John T. Trimmer: Ecological Sanitation in Uganda, Master’s Thesis, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, Mar 20, 2015

  22. Simon Hickling: Saline lakes of southwest Saskatchewan as potential planetary analogues, Birkbeck College, University of London, Mar 2015

  23. Helena Streitlien: Compression moulding of cellulose composites – The influence of additives, Master’s Thesis, Dept of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 2015

  24. Application of open source operating systems in public educational institutions (in Hungarian): Nyílt forráskódú operációs rendszerek alkalmazási lehetőségei a köznevelési intézményekben, EU project, Digital Education Dept, 2015 (ISBN 978-963-9795-83-9)

  25. Konstantin Goutsis, Gabriele Weser: Säuremittel zum Färben von Keratinfasern …, WO 2015090804 A1, Jun 2015

  26. Sylvia Schuster: Mobility of Lanthanum in Lake Sediment under Laboratory Conditions, Bachelor Thesis, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, Jun 2015

  27. MM Magu, PP Govender, JC Ngila: Geochemical modelling and speciation studies of metal pollutants present in selected water systems in South Africa, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, Available online Aug 2015

  28. Ryan S. Kingsbury: pyEQL Documentation, Release 0.3-dev, Sep 28, 2015

  29. E Ganuza, AL Tonkovich: Method of treating bacterial contamination in a microalgae culture with pH shock, U.S. Patent 9181523 B1, Nov 2015

  30. Milad Rabbani Esfahani, Holly A. Stretza, Martha J.M. Wellsc: Abiotic reversible self-assembly of fulvic and humic acid aggregates in low electrolytic conductivity solutions by dynamic light scattering and zeta potential investigation, Science of The Total Environment, Vol 537, p. 81–92, 15 Dec 2015

  31. Zhanying Zhang, et al.: Methods for converting lignocellulosic materials to useful products, U.S. Patent 20140093918 A1

  32. Jun Ying Xiong, Zhen Lei Cheng, Chun Feng Wan, Si Cong Chen, Tai-Shung Chung: Analysis of flux reduction behaviors of PRO hollow fiber membranes: Experiments, mechanisms, and implications, Journal of Membrane Science, Vol 505, p. 1–14, 2016

  33. Natalie P Cristo: Surface Water Geochemistry and Strontium Characteristics of Colorado Creeks, Undergraduate Honors Theses, University of Colorado, Boulder, Spring 2016

  34. Amar Safwan: Conductance of Aqueous Ions, Lecture/Experiment-4, Electro­chemistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, 2016

  35. James McKay Gifford: Using Weak Base Anion Exchange Sorbents Embedded With Metal Oxide Nanoparticles to Simultaneously Remove Multiple Oxoanions, Thesis, Arizona State University, May 2016

  36. Stanisław Chmiel, et al.: Concentration of soil CO2 as an indicator of the decalcification rate after liming treatment, Int. Agrophysics, 2016, 30, 143-150, de Gruyter (doi: 10.1515/intag-2015-0085)

  37. Kimberly Solon: Physico-Chemical Modelling (PCM) – A Literature Review, Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, May 2016

  38. Yao, Qi: Investigation of the Use of an Inorganic Aqueous Solution (IAS) in Phase Change Heat Transfer Devices, Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2016

  39. John Lynch: Ammonium Hydroxide and Orange Juice Synergistic Effects on Escherichia coli, Pittsburgh Central Catholic High School, extracurricular science, 2016

  40. Benjamin T Adams: Experimental and Analytical Investigations of the Relative and Interactive Effects of Physicochemical Fluid Characteristics on the Incipient Motion of Granular Particles, PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, Jun 2016

  41. Julia C Dziallas: Bestimmung des Salzgehaltes in Böden (Seminar) BTU Cottbus, Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung, Jul 2016

  42. Rostislav Suchý: Studium karbonatace alkalicky aktivovaných systémů, Master’s Thesis, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, 2016

  43. Friedrich W. Küster, Alfred Thiel: Analytik – Daten, Formeln, Übungsaufgaben, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 25 Jul 2016

  44. Sérgio Filipe Leite Pereira: Cultura de Microalgas para Remoção de Azoto Lixiviados de Aterro, Thesis, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Jul 2016

  45. João Pedro Mendes Engenheiro Miranda da Silva: Estudo da Redução do Consumo de Água na Estabilização Tartárica de Vinhos por Electrodiálise, Thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Jul 2016

  46. Mayank Relhan: Top Learning Softwares Useful for Students, CollegeDekhoBlogs, Aug 2016

  47. Biogas quality improvement project at the source: Insitu Methane Enrichment, Nakornping Energy Research & Development Institute Chiang Mai University, Thailand, Aug 2016

  48. Norbert Klaas: Qualitätsprüfung und -sicherung von Grundwasserproben, LANU-Veranstaltung, Halle, 29. Sep 2016

  49. Nina Nemec: The possibility of re-use of regenerative waste water from the ion exchanger for water softening in Laško brewery (in Slovenian), Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, University of Maribor, Sep 2016

  50. Peroxyoctanoic Acid Preliminary Work Plan, EPA Registration Review,Docket Number EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0341, Sep 2016

  51. AN Shabalala, SO Ekolu, S Diop, S Fitsum: Pervious concrete reactive barrier for removal of heavy metals from acid mine drainage, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Oct 2016 - Elsevier

  52. Qi Yao and Ivan Catton: Designer Fluid for Aluminum Phase Change Devices, Volume I of III General Inorganic Aqueous Solution (IAS) Chemistry, AFRL-RV-PS-TR-2016-0130 Vol. 1, University of California, Los Angeles, Nov 2016

  53. Kathrin Zlodnjak: Analysis of real-time ESP data for detecting producer-injector interaction, Master Thesis, Montanuniversität Loeben, Sep 2016

  54. Tobias Dieckmann: Modellierung zur Retardation von Säure an Ionenaustauscher-Harzen auf Grundlage labortechnischer Untersuchungen, Masterarbeit, TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Umweltverfahrenstechnik, Dec 2016

  55. Mary Nelima Ondiaka: Prediction of Behaviour Kinetics and Toxicity of Engineered Nanomaterials in Aqueous Environment Using Neural Networks, Thesis (PhD), Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Dec 2016

  56. Martin Mbugua Magu: Modelling of analytical methods for monitoring selected organic and inorganic pollutants in surface and treated water systems in South Africa, Thesis in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, Dec 2016

  57. Червяцова О.Я., Дбар Р.С., Потапов С.С., Кузьмина Л.Ю.: К Проблемe Диоксида углерода (СО2) и карбонатного минералообразования в Новоафонской пещере (Абхазия), Journal of Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, T.8 No4, Dec 2016

  58. F Steinhäußer, A Talai, G Göltla, A Steiger-Thirsfeld, A Bittner, R Weigel, A Koelpin, U Schmid: Concentration and temperature dependent selectivity of the LTCC porosification process with phosphoric acid, Ceramics International, Vol 43, Part A, 714–721, Jan 2017

  59. Dan Li Wang, et al.: Antimicrobial compositions and methods, U.S. Patent 20160095313 A1

  60. N Skak, P Holm: Stabilized tacrolimus composition, U.S. Patent 9549918 B2, Jan 2017

  61. A Gillett, J Nathanail, P Nathanail: Risk Screening Model (RSM) for Application of NanoRem Nanoparticles to Groundwater Remediation, NanoRem EU Project 309517, Jan 2017

  62. A Marion, A Numanoglu: Caustic Ingestion in Children – A Review, Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, DOI: 10.1053/j.sempedsurg.2017.02.002, Feb 2017

  63. Gheorghe Goran, et al.: Assessment of some minerals in canned soft drinks, One Health International Journal, Vol 3(1), 64-71, Feb 2017

  64. Wenjun Chen, et al.: Does Dust from Arctic Mines Affect Caribou Forage?, Journal of Environmental Protection, 8, 258-276, Mar 2017

  65. AM Magomya and JT Barminas: A Conductometric Method for Determination of Arsenic Ions based on Inhibition of Urease Activity, FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal, Vol. 2 No. 1B, pp. 439-444, Apr 2017

  66. A Doménech‐Carbó, et al.: Electrochemical Characterization and Dating of Archaeological Leaded Bronze Objects Using the Voltammetry of Immobilized Particles, Archaeometry, Volume 59, Issue 2, University of Oxford, Apr 2017

  67. Sukrit Ranjan: The UV Environment for Prebiotic Chemistry: Connecting Origin-of-Life Scenarios to Planetary Environments, Thesis, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Apr 2017

  68. P Scarbolo, MD Longa, F Pittino, A Cossettini, L Selmi: ENBIOS‐1D Lab v.3.0 User Guide, DPIA, University of Udine, Italy, Apr 2017

  69. Lindsey Marie Neill: Influence of Near-Field Materials on the Durability of Nuclear Waste Glass, Thesis, Washington State University, Dept of Chemistry, May 2017

  70. Mohamed Sherif Mahrous: Geochemical Modeling of Carbonates Acidizing with HCl Using Toughreact, M.Sc. thesis, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dharam, Saudi Arabia, May 2017

  71. R Hawkins (Lab Medicine, Singapore): Efficacy of HCl as Acid Preservative for Alkaline UTI Samples, Poster Abstracts – EuroMedLab Athens, 11-15 Jun 2017

  72. Heena K Mutha: Characterization and Performance of Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotubes in Capacitive Deionization Systems, Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Jun 2017

  73. Al Harooni K: Gas Hydrates Investigations of Natural Gas with High Methane Content and Regenerated Mono-Ethylene Glycol, PhD, Curtin University, Dept of Petroleum Engineering, Perth, Western Australia, July 2017

  74. Karrar N.M. Mahdi, et al.: Transport of silver nanoparticles by runoff and erosion – A flume experiment, Science of The Total Environment, Volumes 601–602, p. 1418–1426, 2017

  75. Michael Gerspach: Nanofluidic systems for individual and contact-free electrostatic trapping of charged objects, Dissertation, Universität Basel, Jun 2017

  76. P Patolia, A Sinha: Fluoride contamination in Gharbar Village of Dhanbad District, Jharkhand, India, Arab J Geosci (2017) 10, 381.

  77. Seoyeon Jeong: Effect of Humic Acid on Arsenic(III),(V) Sorption onto Zero-valent Iron, Hematite, and Magnetite, Master’s Thesis, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University, 2017

  78. Iva Tomljenović: Geochemical modelling of CO2 dissolution in deep saline aquifers - the effects on brine composition, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, 2017

  79. E Rudnik, M Kulczyk: Zastowanie skorup jaj kurczych jako natura,nego adsorbenta jonow metali z roztworow wodnych, Rudy I Metale Niezelazne, 2017-9, Gliwice (Poland), DOI:10.15199/67.2017.9.3

  80. Triana Rebecca Tampubolon: Effect of Formulation on Physics,Chemicals and Sensory of Red Guava Effervescent (Psidium guajava var. pomifera), Thesis, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Jun 2017

  81. Siti R Hj Abd Rahman: Water Quality Alert System for Detection of Brine Spills Using Low-Cost Technology, Master of Science, Ohio University, Environmental Studies, Aug 2017

  82. Ian Stott, Jonathan Goodman, Marcus Tillotson: Adding chemistry to mesoscale simulations: Hydrolysis of SDS, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Science, Cambridge, 2nd Edwards Symposium, 6th Sep 2017

  83. T Fritzsching, C Nover, M Vucak: Tobacco product wrapping material with controlled burning properties, US 9775377 B2, Oct 2017

  84. KM AlHarooni, R Gubner, S Iglauer, DJ Pack, A Barifcani: Influence of R3generated Monoethylene Glycol on Natural Gas Hydrate Formation, Energy Fuels, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b01539, Oct 2017

  85. Louise-Emmanuelle Paris: Le périphyton comme biomoniteur de la contamination métallique a proximite d’une mine au Nunavik, Université du Québec, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Maîtrise en sciences de l’eau, 2017

  86. P Mac Berthouex, LC Brown: Chemical processes for pollution prevention and control, CRC Press; ISBN-13: 978-1138106321, Oct 2017

  87. Ammar Ibrahim: CO2 Sublimation and Dissolution in Water, WOLFRAM Demonstrations Project, Dec 2017

  88. Pongsathorn Thunyawatcharakul: Assessment of Cadmium Migration into Groundwater in Mae Sot District, Thesis, Chulalongkorn University (IN), 2017

  89. MAA Bin Abu Bakar: Conventional Method of Measuring pH, bachelor of biomedical engineering, Cellular Engineering Lab in University of Malaya, Nov 2017

  90. Michael A Gerspach, Nassir Mojarad, Deepika Sharma, Thomas Pfohl, Yasin Ekinci: Soft electrostatic trapping in nanofluidics, Microsystems & Nanoengineering 3, 17051, doi:10.1038/micronano.2017.51, Dec 2017

  91. Sascha Neff: Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation einer Einheit zum Thema „Gewässeranalytik“ für die Sekundarstufe II am Schülerlabor Freilandmobil, Masterarbeit, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Inst für naturwiss. Bildung, 2017

  92. uhydro Lectures: Stofftransport und Stoffhaushalt, Labor für Hydrologie und Internationale Wasserwirtschaft, Lübeck 2017

  93. AS Kazantseva: Hydrochemical Monitoring of the Kungur Ice Cave (Analysis of Decadal Observations), Геология в развивающемся мире: сб. науч. тр., Перм. гос. нац. исслед. ун-т., ISBN 978-5-7944-2901-5 (т.2), University of Perm (Russia), 2017

  94. Galanis Apel Angeliki: Organic Chemistry Theory, Academic Year Courses 2017-2018, in Greek, 2017

  95. Ammar Ibrahim, Eitan Geva: CO2 Sublimation and Dissolution in Water,​ Wolfram Demonstrations Project​, Dec 2017

  96. Salih Muhammad Awadh: Physico-chemical Characterization and Salinity Distribution of the Oilfield Water in the Upper Member of Zubair Sandstones in Rumaila North Oilfield, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology, Vol. 7 (2018), No. 1, pp. 20-39

  97. A Al Helal, A Soames, R Gubner, S Iglauer, A Barifcani: Influence of Magnetic Fields on Calcium Carbonate Scaling in Aqueous Solutions at 150°C and 1 Bar, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 509, 472–484, Jan 2018

  98. S Ranjan, ZR Todd, JD Sutherland, DD Sasselov: Sulfdic Anion Concentrations on Early Earth for Surfcial Origins-of-Life Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP), 23 Jan 2018

  99. P Thunyawatcharakul and S Chotpantarat: Sorption characteristics of cadmium in a clay soil of Mae Ku creek, Tak Province, Thailand, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 150, 2018

  100. Paul Mac Berthouex, Linfield C Brown: Chemical Processes for Pollution Prevention and Control, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2018

  101. Subhendu Banerjee: Insights into the Crystallization of Calcium Carbonate as Modulated by Polyelectrolytes, Diss. State University of New York at Buffalo, Feb 2018

  102. Onipe Tobiloba A.: Geogenic fluoride source in groundwater: A case study of Siloam Village, Limpopo Province, South Africa, Thesis, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Venda, South Africa, Mar 2018

  103. Rafael Schäffer: Hydrochemische Methoden zur geothermalen Erkundung und Charakterisierung von Thermalwässern, Dissertation, Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften der TU Darmstadt, Apr 2018

  104. Samantha Kanza: What Influence would a Cloud Based Semantic Laboratory Notebook have on the Digitisation and Management of Scientific Research?, Thesis, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering, University of Southampton, Apr 2018

  105. M Klingler, D Savi: Entsorgung von Bauabfällen in Deponien, Schlussbericht, Büro für Ummweltchemie, Zürich, 20 Apr 2018

  106. Katy L Schwinghamer: The Origin of High Silica and Low pH in the Groundwater of the Quaternary Terrace Deposits in the Northern Khorat Basin in Northeastern Thailand, Thesis, Dept of Physical Science, Emporia State University, Kansas U.S., May 2018

  107. Heuidae Lee: Improving Activated Carbon Performance in Point Of Use and Municipal Processes, Thesis, Arizona State University, May 2018

  108. Ng, Sinn-Yao (Kenneth): A fundamental study of concentration polarisation and fouling in skim milk ultrafiltration, PhD thesis, Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Melbourne, AUS, May 2018

  109. OY Chervyatsova, SS Potapov, LY Kuzmina, LV Leonova: Subaqueous Stalactoids in the Dalnee Verkhnee Lake of the Shulgan-Tash Cave (Southern Urals), News of the Ural State Mining University 2(50), June 2018

  110. T Robshaw, S Tukra, MD Ogden: Kinetics of Defluoridation of Aqueous Waste-streams of the Aluminium Industry with a Modified Chelating Resin, J. Ion Exchange, Vol 29, Number 3, p.104-109, June 2018

  111. Merethe Kleiven: Silver nanomaterials in aquatic systems – linking uptake and effects in biota to exposure characterization, PhD, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Ås, Jun 2018

  112. Curso práctico internacional estabilización dinámica de residuos mineros: factores geometalúrgicos, geomorfológicos e hidrológicos (del 31 de Mayo al 02 de Junio 2018), CECAMIN - Centro de Capacitacion Minera, Peru, 2018

  113. P Filippi, SR Cattle, TFA Bishop, IOA Odeh, MJ Pringle: Digital soil monitoring of top- and sub-soil pH with bivariate linear mixed models, Geoderma Vol 322, pages 149–162, July 2018

  114. Ma Haiyuan: Development of Simultaneous Nitrogen Removal and Phosphorus Recovery Process Using Anammox Expanded Bed Reactor, Doctorial thesis, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University, 2018

  115. Alison Victoria Deviney: Conserving Nitrogen in Liquid Swine Manure by Urease Enzyme Inhibition, Thesis, Graduate Faculty of North Carolina State University, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, 2018

  116. Haiyuan Ma, Yanlong Zhang, Yi Xue, Yu-You Li: A new process for simultaneous nitrogen removal and phosphorus recovery using an anammox expanded bed reactor, Bioresource Technology, July 2018

  117. Femke van Oijen: The effect of heating and/or shearing on the water distribution in a pea protein concentrate – wheat gluten blend, Bsc Thesis, Food Process Engineering Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands, Jul 2018

  118. AP Bayuseno, WW Schmahl: Hydrothermal synthesis of struvite and its phase transition: impacts of pH, heating and subsequent cooling methods, Journal of Crystal Growth Vol 498, Pages 336-345, 2018

  119. Karrar Najah Mahdi: Transport of silver nanoparticles in the soil-water nexus, Thesis, Wageningen University, Netherlands, July 2018

  120. Rešoketšwe M Manenzhe: Investigating the Effect of Water Quality on the Adsorption of a Xanthate Collector in the Flotation of a Sulphide Ore, Thesis, University of Cape Town, July 2018

  121. Bo-Cheng Tsai: Recovery of Valuable Substances in Negative pH Wastewater from Semiconductor Etching Processes, Thesis, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, Jul 2018

  122. Sagar Aryal: Amino Acids - Properties, Structure, Classification and Functions, Biochemistry, Aug 9, 2018

  123. M Giagnorio, S Steffenino, L Meucci, M Chiara Zanetti, A Tiraferri: Design and Performance of a Nanofiltration Plant for the Removal of Chromium Aimed at the Production of Safe Potable Water, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 4, 4467-4475, Aug 2018

  124. JI Morales-Arredondo, MAA Hernández, E Hernández-Mendiola, et al.: Hydrogeochemical behavior of uranium and thorium in rock and groundwater samples from southeastern of El Bajío Guanajuatese, Guanajuato, Mexico, Environ Earth Sci 77:567, Aug 2018

  125. H Jablonowski, A Schmidt-Bleker, KD Weltmann, T von Woedtke, K Wende: Non-touching plasma-liquid interaction – where is aqueous nitric oxide generated?, Royal Society of Chemistry, Phys. Chem., Aug 2018

  126. Špela Maček: Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of water resources in the fractured and karstic aquifer in the area of the Postojna municipality, Master’s Thesis, Univerza v Novi Gorici, Slovenia, 2018

  127. DP Dethier, ST Wieman, J Racela: Thirty-year trends in acid deposition and neutralization in two headwater catchments, northwestern Massachusetts, USA, Hydrological Processes, 4 Sep 2018

  128. M Mirzavand, H Ghasemieh, SJ Sadatineghad, BN Ghojogh, ID Clark: Mechanism of N-Nitrate pollution of Kashan plain aquifer, Iranian Journal of Ecohydrology, Volume 5, Page 917-929, 2018

  129. EA Idama, VE Efeovbokhan, EE Alagbe: Investigating the Viability of Hydrogen Production from Sodium Borohydride Using Acetic Acid and Extracts from Spoilt Lemon, Lime and Orange, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 413, 2018

  130. Thais Helena Macedo: Avaliação da eficiência da eletrodiálise na remoção de cloretos, Thesis, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2018

  131. Jelena V Milojković et al.: Applying multi-criteria analysis for preliminary assessment of the properties of alginate immobilized Myriophyllum spicatum in lake water samples, Water Research, Vol 141, pages 163-171, 15 Sep 2018

  132. P Gore, VS Raja, N Birbilis: Use of Sodium Bicarbonate as a Chloride-Free Aqueous Electrolyteto Explore Film Formation and the Negative Difference Effect on Pure Magnesium, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165 (13) C849-C859, Sep 2018

  133. Urška Ostroško: Predobdelava studenčne vode za proces reverzne osmoze, Diplomsko delo, Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia), Sep 2018

  134. Karrar NM Mahdi, R Peters, M van der Ploeg, C Ritsema, V Geissen: Tracking the Transport of Silver Nanoparticles in Soil: a Saturated Column Experiment, Water Air Soil Pollut 229, 334, Oct 2018

  135. Benard Tembo Gomo: Investigation of hydrogeochemical processes and groundwater quality in Kakontwe Aquifers in Ndola, Zambia, Magister Scientiae in Geohydrology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 2018

  136. N Gršić, JB Popović-Dorđević, AŽ Kostić, B Dojčinović, ND Pantelić: Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals in Water - Case Study for the Bojana River, Montenegro, Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 64 Issue 4: 145-152, Podgorica 2018

  137. Orkun Turgay, Uğur Erdem Dokus, Ergül Yasar: Calculation of the quantity and Time of Scaling in geothermal wells, International Cappadocia Symposium, Oct 2018

  138. Eco-Solar Factory: 40%plus eco-efficiency gains in the photovoltaic value chain with minimised resource and energy consumption by closed loop systems, Feasibility study: reuse of waste-water (WP 3), Nov 2018

  139. Zhi Geng, A Bonnelye, M Chen, Y Jin, P Dick, C David, X Fang, A Schubnel: Time and Temperature Dependent Creep in Tournemire Shale, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 15 Nov 2018

  140. LW Fajardo Vargas, et al.: Evaluación ambiental temprana en el área de influencia de la exploración minera de Los Chancas de Southern Perú en los distritos de Tapairihua y Pocohuanca, OEFA - Evaluación Ambiental Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental, Lima, Peru, Nov 2018

  141. Thomas Ruck: Development of a Dynamic Simulation Model for Performance Prediction of Photobioreactors in Biological Life Support Systems for Human Spaceflight, Master’s Thesis, TU München, Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrttechnik, Dec 2018

  142. Garth van Rooyen: Carbon dioxide release from disturbed wetland soils of the Mpumalanga Highveld, Master’s Thesis, University of Pretoria, South Africa, Dec 2018

  143. Ersin Yavas: Mechanisms Underlying Changes after Sub Chronic PCP treatment, PhD, University of Leicester Department of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour, 2018

  144. Marco Vernillo: Studies on Graphite as model adsorbent in aqueous solutions, MSc, University of Duisburg-Essen, Mechanical Process Engineering / Water Technology, Dec 2018

  145. LW Fajardo Vargas, et al.: Evaluación ambiental temprana (preliminar) en el área de influencia del proyecto de la central hidroeléctrica Laguna Azul de la empresa central hidroeléctrica Mamacocha SRL, OEFA - Evaluación Ambiental Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental, Lima, Peru, Dec 2018

  146. OY Chervyatsova et al.: Microbialites of the Shulgan-Tash Cave, in “Музеефикация историко-культурного наследия: теория”, 2018, p.192

  147. T Robshaw, S Tukra, DB Hammond, GJ Leggett, MD Ogden: Highly efficient fluoride extraction from simulant leachate of spent potlining via La-loaded chelating resin. An equilibrium study, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 361, Pages 200-209, 5 Jan 2019

  148. A Waleeittikul, S Chotpantarat, SK Ong: Impacts of salinity level and flood irrigation on Cd mobility through a Cd-contaminated soil, Thailand: experimental and modeling techniques, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Jan 2019

  149. H Radtke, et al.: Ecological ReGional Ocean Model with vertically resolved sediments (ERGOM SED 1.0), Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 275–320, 2019

  150. Perrine Tanguy: Impact of the microstructure of ZnAlMg coatings for steel on the formation mechanisms, Thesis, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, Jan 2019

  151. M Wang, T Doi, X Hu, DJ McClements: Influence of ionic strength on the thermo­stability and flavor (allyl methyl disulfide) release profiles of calcium alginate microgels, Food Hydrocolloids, Feb 2019

  152. S Paufler, T Grischek, J Herlitzius, J Feller, VV Kulakov: Manganese release linked to carbonate dissolution during the start-up phase of a subsurface iron removal well in Khabarovsk, Russia, Science of The Total Environment, Vol 650, Pages 1722-1733, 10 Feb 2019

  153. T Robshaw, R Dawson, K Bonser, MD Ogden: Towards the implementation of an ion-exchange system for recovery of fluoride commodity chemicals, Chemical Engineering Journal, Feb 2019

  154. M Corrales-González, C Rochera, A Picazo, A Camach: Effect of wastewater management on phosphorus content and sedimentary fractionation in Mediterranean saline lakes, Science of The Total Environment, Feb 2019

  155. AA Hamouda, N Bagalkot: Effect of Salts on Interfacial Tension and CO2 Mass Transfer in Carbonated Water Injection, Energies 2019, 12, 748, Feb 2019

  156. Fajar Eko Priyanto: Earth Observation of Ocean Acidification: The case of Nusa Penida, Kelungkung, East Bali, Thesis, Dept of Water Resources and Environmental Management, University of Twente, The Netherlands, Feb 2019

  157. Jan-Philipp Gnad: Proteine und deren Nachweise, Feb 2019

  158. Sebastian Paufler: Untersuchungen zur Steuerung der Mangankonzentration bei der Uferfiltration und Unterirdischen Enteisenung/Entmanganung, Dissertation, TU Dresden, Feb 2019

  159. RK Rowe, RW Brachman: Final Report submitted to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Queen’s University, GeoEngineering Centre, Dept of Civil Engineering, Kingston, Canada, Mar 2019

  160. JF Fields, DP Dethier: From on high: geochemistry of alpine springs, Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range USA, Hydrological Processes, Wiley Online Library, Mar 2019

  161. CP Newman, T Cluff, T Gray, G Beale: Aqueous Geochemistry and Limnology of the Sleeper Pit Lake, Nevada, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 7, 64-81, Mar 2019

  162. Natasja Raijmakers: Treating Wastewater Using an Internal Circulation Anaerobic Digester, Thesis, School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Mar 2019

  163. Norinda Chhim: Effets d’additifs polymériques sur les cinétiques de précipitation de carbonate de calcium en présence de matières en suspension et de matériaux de corps d’échange thermique, PhD Thesis, Université de Toulouse, Mar 2019

  164. EO Imbang, et al.: Comparison of the cavitation activity of ethanol and acetic acid as ultrasonic cleaning solution, Publiscience Vol. 2 Issue 1, 2019

  165. Jonas Auråen: Arduino based CTD for autonomous measurement platform, Master’s Thesis, Dept of Physics, University of Oslo, Apr 2019

  166. Olga Murujew: Tertiary Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater, PhD, Cranfield University, Apr 2019

  167. Kateřina Šverclová: Calibration and field testing of passive samplers for monitoring personal care products in the aquatic environment, Diploma work, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno (CZ), May 2019

  168. Nacho Simón Ruiz: Naranja de Metilo. Indicador de pH, Cienciabit, May 2019

  169. Søren Læsaa: In situ measurement of ammonium in marine waters, Thesis, Arctic Research Center, Aarhus University (DK), Jun 2019

  170. RM Appa, SS Prasad, J Lakshmidevi, BR Naidu, M Narasimhulu, K Ven3kateswarlu: Palladium‐catalysed room‐temperature Suzuki–Miyaura coupling in water extract of pomegranate ash, a bio‐derived sustainable and renewable medium, Applied Organometalic Chemistry, Jun 2019

  171. Ricardo Feyh Ribeiro: Annulus CO2-corrosion of high strength steel wires from unbounded flexible pipes, Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Jun 2019

  172. TJ Robshaw, K Bonser, G Coxhill, R Dawson, MD Ogden: Towards a combined leaching and ion-exchange system for valorisation of spent potlining waste, 7th Int Conf on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Jun 2019

  173. M Singh, RD Webster, TWJ Steele: Voltaglue electroceutical adhesive patches for localized voltage stimulation, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2(6), 2633‑2642, Jun 2019

  174. JP Bezzina, LR Ruder, R Dawson, MD Ogden: Ion Exchange Removal of Cu(II), Fe(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) from Acid Extracted Sewage Sludge – Resin screening in weak acid media, Water Research, Volume 158, pages 257-267, Jul 2019

  175. Nighil Bagalkot: CO2 mass transfer and interfacial studies for application of carbonated water injection, PhD, University of Stavanger, 2019

  176. Nicolas Teixeira Nunes: Sistema de Monitoramento para Identificação de Contaminantes Apolares em Águas Subterrâneas via Condutividade Elétrica, TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasilia, Jul 2019

  177. Zimoné Danielle Ronquest: Impact of irrigation with mine affected saline sulphate waters on crop performance, soil properties and groundwater quality, Thesis (MSc Soil Science), University of Pretoria, Jul 2019

  178. B Baldwin, V Kolli, K Lehman, A Li, C Lin, R Malhotra, H Devaraj: Integrating Electronics with Solid Structures Using 3D Circuits, New Jersey Governor’s School of Engineering and Technology, Jul 2019

  179. OY Chervyatsova, YV Dublyanskiy, SS Potapov, RS Dbar: Preliminary Results of the Study of the isotopic composition (δ13C) of CO2 in the Karst Sytem of the new Afon Cave (Abchasia), in Устойчивое развитие горных территорий Кавказа, том II, ISBN 978-5-98866-069-9, Moscow 2019

  180. Y Zuo, Y Liu, J Li, R Du, X Han, T Zhang: In-situ Electrochemical Oxidation of Cu2S into CuO Nanowires as a Durable and Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Chem of Materials, Aug 2019

  181. Alfred Ruland, Ursula Ruland: Analytik: Daten, Formeln, Übungsaufgaben (De Gruyter Studium) Taschenbuch, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, Aug 2019

  182. Jonathan Gagné: Water for Coffee Extraction, Aug 2019

  183. A Al Helal, A Soames, S Iglauer, R Gubner, A Barifcani: Evaluating chemical-scale-inhibitor performance in external magnetic fields using a dynamic scale loop, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 179, 1063–1077, Aug 2019

  184. Claude E Boyd: Micronutrients and Other Trace Elements, In: Water Quality. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, Sep 2019

  185. A Xia, P Wei, C Sun, PL Show, Y Huang, Q Fu: Hydrogen fermentation of organic wastewater with high ammonium concentration via electrodialysis system, Bioresource Technology, Volume 288, Sep 2019

  186. Scott Zolkos: Fluvial inorganic carbon cycling across divergently evolving permafrost landscapes (Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada), Thesis, Dept of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Sep 2019

  187. O Dobroliubov: Design architectures of ion-sensitive field-effect transistors, Report ISY9000, University of South-Eastern Norway, Borre, 2019

  188. Nicole Nembhard: Safe, Sustainable Discharge of Electric Vehicle Batteries as a Pre-treatment Step to Crushing in the Recycling Process, Thesis, KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Stockholm, 2019

  189. Shashi Hagroo: Improvement of Recovery and Recycling of Food Grade Polyethylene Terephthalate, Thesis, University of the Witwatersrand, Oct 2019

  190. Daftar Software Kimia Kuantum dan Fisika Padatan,, Nov 2019

  191. James F Pankow: Aquatic Chemistry Concepts, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, textbook (554 pages), ISBN 9781439854402, Nov 2019

  192. Mercedes Lucero Chávez: Sistema de Carbonatos, Maestría en Ciencias del Agua, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, IITCA, 2019

  193. Agathe Martignier: Micropearls: a newly discovered biomineralization process in eukaryotes, Thèse de doctorat, Univ. Genève, Nov 2019

  194. AJ Erickson, JS Gulliver, PT Weiss: Transport of Chloride through Silt Loam, Sandy Loam and Sandy Loam with Compost, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Dec 2019

  195. Austin X. Huang: Soil Monitoring Report, Merit Engineering Inc., Project No. PB0305608, Dec 2019

  196. Sudha Goel: Water and Wastewater Engineering, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 978-1316639030, Dec 2019

  197. Melinda EJ Hilton: Predicting salt generation from coal mine spoil heaps in a semi-arid climate, Central Queensland, Australia, Thesis, University of Queensland, AUS 2019

  198. F Cerna, J Carlos, et al.: Evaluación ambiental temprana en el área de influencia de la exploración Haquira de Minera Antares Perú SAC, distritos de Challhuahuacho y Progreso, provincias de Cotabambas y Grau, departamento de Apurímac, OEFA - Evaluación Ambiental Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental, Lima, Peru, 2019

  199. S Reymundo, et al.: Evaluación ambiental temprana en el área de influencia del proyecto minero michiquillay de southern perú copper corporation sucursal del perú, durante el 2018 y 2019, OEFA - Evaluación Ambiental Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental, Lima, Peru, 2019

  200. Kitkanya Benjatiku: The Study on Anti-Ultraviolet Property of Marl, Doctorial Thesis, 2019

  201. W Gao, Q Chen, M Du, W Zhang, C Cao, W Song: Enabling an atom-economic production of chiral amino alcohols by electrodialysis with bipolar membranes, Green Chemistry, 2020

  202. Serdar Bayari: Hydrogeochemistry Lecture (Topic 9), Hydrogeological Engineering Program, Hacettepe University, 2019-2020 Academic Year, Spring Semester

  203. C Song, G Wang, T Mao, K Huang: Spatiotemporal variability and sources of DIC in permafrost catchments of the Yangtze River source region: insights from stable carbon isotope and water chemistry, Water Resources Research, Vol 56, Issue 1, Jan 2020

  204. AJP Adewumi, TA Laniyan: Ecological and human health risks associated with metals in water from Anka Artisanal Gold Mining Area, Nigeria, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, Jan 2020

  205. Alex Lloyd Riley: Targeted Resource Recovery from Mine Waters by Selective Ion Exchange, PhD thesis, Dep. of Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield, Jan 2020

  206. AP Bayuseno, WW Schmahl: Crystallization of struvite in a hydrothermal solution with and without calcium and carbonate ions, Chemosphere, Feb 2020

  207. Mattia Giagnorio: Membrane-based technologies for the production of high-quality water from contaminated sources, Thesis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Feb 2020

  208. D Mahringer, C Polenz, F El-Athman: Stabilization of Chromium (VI) in the Presence of Iron (II): Method Development and Validation, Water 2020, 12, 924, Mar 2020

  209. Sergey S Potapov et al.: Isotopic-geochemical features of thermal water of the Kyndyg deposit (Republic of Abkhazia), LITHOSPHERE (RUSSIA) vol 20 No. 2, pp. 280–298, 2020

  210. LC Brée, M Wessling, A Mitsos: Modular modeling of Electrochemical Reactors: Comparison of CO2-Electolyzers, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2020

  211. JP Bezzina, T Robshaw, R Dawson, MD Ogden: Single metal isotherm study of the ion exchange removal of Cu(II), Fe(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) from synthetic acetic acid leachate, Chemical Engineering Journal, Mar 2020

  212. SH van Delden, MJ Nazarideljou, LFM Marcelis: Nutrient solutions for Arabidopsis thaliana: a study on nutrient solution composition in hydroponics systems, Plant Methods 16, 72, Mar 2020

  213. Carmina Reyes Plascencia: Licuefacción hidrotérmica de madera de eucalipto y pino para la producción de biocombustibles, Thesis, Universidad de la República, Facultad de Química, área de Fisicoquímica, Montevideo, Mar 2020

  214. A Byro, et al.: Peroxy Compounds Human Health and Ecological Draft Risk Assessment, U.S. EPA, DP 455445, 455446, Mar 2020

  215. JC Miller, DL Miller: Method for cleaning and preventing plugging in micro-irrigation systems, U.S. Patent 10632508, Apr 2020

  216. Niharika Singh: Biochemistry and Metabolism, Rama University, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Lecture 2020

  217. MW Boomstra: Water and Ion Dynamics in Thin Water Films on LiCl Surfaces, MSc, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,Dept of Applied Physics, Apr 2020

  218. S Zolkos, et al.: Thermokarst amplifies fluvial inorganic carbon cycling and export across watershed scales on the Peel Plateau, Canada, Biogeosciences, Preprint, Apr 2020

  219. MA Haiyuan: Development of Simultaneous Nitrogen Removal and Phosphorus Recovery Process Using Anammox Expanded Bed Reactor, Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan, Apr 2020

  220. A Omosebi, X Gao, L Richburg, K Liu: Intensified Flue Gas Desulfurization Water Treatment for Reuse, Solidification, and Discharge, No. DOE-UK-31555-1, Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, Apr 2020

  221. Yong Zuo: Nanostructured Metal Sulfides for Electrochemical Energy Conversion, PhD thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, Apr 2020

  222. B Sisniega, AS Sedano, J Gutiérrez, A García-Arribas: Real Time Monitoring of Calcium Oxalate Precipitation Reaction by Using Corrosion Resistant Magnetoelastic Resonance Sensors, Sensors 2020, 20, 2802, May 2020

  223. HC Madrid, et al.: Identification of Key Factors Affecting the Trophic State of Four Tropical Small Water Bodies, MDPI Water 2020, 12, 1454, May 2020

  224. C Totland, et al.: The correlation between pO2 and pCO2 as a chemical marker for detection of offshore CO2 leakage, Intern Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 99, May 2020

  225. Martin Chejn: Využití elektrodialýzy v „Zero Liquid Discharge“ procesech, diploma work, Univerzita Pardubice, CZ, May 2020

  226. Jan Čížek: Efektivita odsolování škálovatelnou vícekomorovou jednotkou šokové elektrodialýzy jako funkce bezrozměrného proudu, diploma work, Technická univerzita v Liberci, May 2020

  227. P Lund, V Lidholm: Sensorelektronik för hydroponisk odling, Kandidatuppsats i Elektroteknik, Institutionen för Systemteknik, Linköpings Universitet, Jun 2020

  228. Dexuan Xie, Zhen Chao: A finite element iterative solver for a PNP ion channel model with Neumann boundary condition and membrane surfacecharge, Journal of Computational Physics Jun 2020

  229. Sofia Ruiz Martín:Producció de polihidroxibutirat (PHB) i glucogen mitjançant cianobacteris: Optimització de les condicions de cultiu, Thesis, Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona, Jul 2020

  230. Raphael Dalpke: Transport Behavior of Tailored Carbon Nanomembranes, Thesis, Bielefeld University, Faculty of Physics, Jul 2020

  231. FLF Lima: Espectroscopia Raman e cálculos de primeiros princípios da DL-Fenila­lanina, Bacharelado em Física, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2020

  232. Anna Mas Herrador: Thermodynamic and experimental study of the fluoride recovery from Spent Pot Lining recycling process by precipitation of calcium fluoride, Thesis, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, Jul 2020

  233. CP Iverach, TA Bold, C O’Neill, M Hocking: Geochemical interpretations of groundwater processes and methane origin (Onshore Gippsland Basin, Victoria), Victorian Gas Program Technical Report 26, Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne (AUS), Jul 2020

  234. R Dalpke, A Dreyer, R Korzetz, KJ Dietz, A Beyer: Selective Diffusion of CO2 and H2O through Carbon Nanomembranes in Aqueous Solution as Studied with Radioactive Tracers, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Aug 2020

  235. Shahrouz Jafarzade Ghadimi: Evaluation and Modeling of Electrodialysis for High-Recovery Brackish Water Desalination, Thesis, University of Texas at El Paso, Aug 2020

  236. JA Ippolito, et al.: Feedstock choice, pyrolysis temperature and type influence biochar characteristics: a comprehensive meta‑data analysis review, Biochar, Aug 2020

  237. S Veltzé, M Geisler: Koncentrationsbestemmelse,, Aug 2020

  238. Luisa Carola Brée: Model-Based Optimization of Electrochemical Systems for the Use of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources, Dissertation, TH Aachen, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen, Aug 2020

  239. Zoe R Todd: From Astronomy to Chemistry: Origins of the Building Blocks of Life, PhD, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 2020

  240. Zhen Chao: Analysis on Some Basic Ion Channel Modeling Problems, Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Aug 2020

  241. Gerald Heinicke: Framtida anslutning av Höör och Hörby till Sydvatten, Förstudie, Projektnr.: 2200207, Helsingborg, Aug 2020

  242. Medicinal Chemistry-III, VI semester B. Pharm, Practical Manual, S.A. Raja Pharmacy College, Vadakkangulam, Tamil Nadu, Oct 2020

  243. Kevin Koech: Biochemistry Lecture, Topic 3 – Amino Acids, The Nyeri National Polytechnic, Kenya, 2020

  244. Ralf Steudel: The chemical sulfur cycle, Chapter 2 in book “Environmental Techno­logies to Treat Sulfur Pollution: Principles and Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Oct 2020

  245. CM Fellows, et al.: The role of the viscous sublayer in calcium carbonate dissolution, Desalination and Water Treatment, 201,20-30, Oct 2020

  246. Yuting Guo, Luis FM Rosa, S Müller, F Harnisch: Monitoring stratification of anode biofilms in bioelectrochemical laminar flow reactors using flow cytometry, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, Oct 2020

  247. H Justnes, C Escudero-Oñate, ØA Garmo, M Mengede: Transformation kinetics of burnt lime in freshwater and sea water, Preprint, Nov 2020

  248. S Baumann, et al.: Feed mixing device and its use, U.S. Patent 10837042B2, Nov 2020

  249. J Čížek, P Cvejn, J Marek, D Tvrzník: Desalination Performance Assessment of Scalable, Multi-Stack Ready Shock Electrodialysis Unit Utilizing Anion-Exchange Membranes, Membranes 10, 347,, Nov 2020

  250. Biology Guidance: Amino Acids: 4 Classification, Example & Properties, Nov 2020

  251. James P Bezzina: Towards Base Metal Recovery from Sewage Sludge, PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, Nov 2020

  252. Jennifer Berg, Marco Kraus Schmitz: Hydrochemical investigation and vulnerability assessment of the Los Bambinos aquifer in Costa Rica, MSc Thesis 30 ECTS, Engineering Geology, LTH, Lund University, 2020

  253. Yan Guo, Yu-You Li: Hydroxyapatite crystallization-based phosphorus recovery coupling with the nitrogen removal through partial nitritation/anammox in a single reactor, Water Research, Vol 187, Dec 2020

  254. Greg A. Oldenborger: Subzero temperature dependence of electrical conductivity for permafrost geophysics, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Dec 2020

  255. Huan Song, et al.: Influence of aerosol copper on HO2 uptake: a novel parameterized equation, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, 15835–15850, Dec 2020

  256. M Schneider, et al.: Facile deposition of multiwalled carbon nanotubes via electrophoretic deposition in an environmentally friendly suspension, Surface & Coatings Technology 406, Jan 2021

  257. Sun Yan: Assessment of the stability and characteristics of the distribution of groundwater quality in the Heihe river, DOI: 10.24411/2658-4964-2021-10322, Master’s thesis, Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University, Russia 2021

  258. Christian Wolkersdorfer: Voruntersuchungen, In: Reinigungsverfahren für Gruben­wasser, pp 49-109, Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2021

  259. Z Geng, A Bonnelye, C David, P Dick, Y Wang, A Schubnel: Pressure solution compaction during creep deformation of Tournemire shale: implications for temporal sealing in shales, JGR Solid Earth, Jan 2021

  260. PJ Depetris: Revisiting the effect of extreme flooding on the chemistry of a large floodplain river: the example of Argentina’s middle Paraná, Environ Earth Sci 80, 54, Jan 2021

  261. JsBergbau: Pflanzenzucht LEDs / Grow-LEDs, Feb 2021

  262. DA Nowicki, JMS Skakle, IR Gibson: Maximising carbonate content in sodium-carbonate Co-substituted hydroxyapatites prepared by aqueous precipitation reaction, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 297, Feb 2021

  263. T Altmann, R Das: Process improvement of sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO) and subsequent decarbonization, Desalination. 1;499:114791, Feb 2021

  264. Imen Zaier: Rôle dutransport particulaire lié à la déstructuration de gypses poreux dans le développement de cavités de dissolution, thesis, Université Paris, Feb 2021

  265. Daniel Fernandez: Hydrobuddy’s theoretical conductivity estimates, Science in Hydroponics, Mar 2021

  266. Zwitterionen, - Lernapp für Studenten und Schüler, Apr 2021

  267. T El-Hasan, et al.: Synchrotron XANES and EXAFS evidences for Cr+6 and V+5 reduction within the oil shale ashes through mixing with natural additives and hydration process, Heliyon, Vol 7, issue 4, Apr 2021

  268. NRG Voarintsoa, et al: Understanding the linkage between regional climatology and cave geochemical parameters to calibrate speleothem proxies in Madagascar, Science of the Total Environment 784, Apr 2021

  269. TA Laniyan, AJ Adewumi: Ecological and human health risk associated with potentially toxic metals in water from Ijero mining area, Southwest Nigeria, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Apr 2021

  270. Ivan Kalesnikau: Metallic forest, 2021

  271. C Sabarathinam, H Bhandary, K Hadi: CHIDAM - A software for chemical interpretation of the dissolved ions in aqueous media, Groundwater for Sustainable Development 1(13) p.100496, May 2021

  272. S Ziegenheim, et al.: Manipulating the crystallization kinetics and morphology of gypsum, CaSO4·2H2O via addition of citrate at high levels of supersaturation and the effect of high salinity, Polyhedron, Volume 204, 115253, May 2021

  273. Koncept med detaljerad analys av råvattenkvalité - Case Study, EnviDan, Jun 2021

  274. Jessica Coronel, Kimchou Lao: Cyclic Dipeptide Synthesis: Laboratory Design, undergraduate research, ScholarWorks, University of California, 2021

  275. Daniele Frascareli: Heterogeneidade espacial e influência do uso e ocupação do solo nas características do sedimento superficial e água intersticial no reservatório de Itupararanga, PhD thesis, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil), Jun 2021

  276. Elin Flodin: Which conditions benefit nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in lake Mälaren?, UPTEC W 21033, Uppsala Universitet, Jun 2021

  277. Haiyuan Ma, et al.: Efficient phosphorus recovery by enhanced hydroxyapatite formation in a high loading anammox expanded bed reactor at 15 °C, Chemical Engineering Journal 425, Jun 2021

  278. Daniel Ariza Calvo: Estudi de l’efecte i optimització de les condicions de cultiu en l’acumulació de polihidroxibutirat (PHB) i glucogen mitjançant cianobacteris, Bachelor thesis, Escola d’Enginyeria Agroalimentària i de Biosistemes de Barcelona, Jul 2021

  279. KM Manoj, B Nikolai, A Manekkathodi, Y Wu: Roles of bicarbonate ion in the deterministic Z-scheme and the stochastic murburn model for the light reaction of oxygenic photosynthesis, preprint 2021

  280. Zhen Chao, Dexuan Xie: An improved Poisson‐Nernst‐Planck ion channel model and numerical studies on effects of boundary conditions, membrane charges, and bulk concentrations, Journal of Computational Chem 42(27) p.1929-1943, Jul 2021

  281. CF Lacson, MC Lu, YH Huang: Chemical precipitation at extreme fluoride concentration and potential recovery of CaF2 particles by fluidized-bed homogenous crystallization process, Chem Eng Journal, 415 p.128917, Jul 2021

  282. V Moodley, JG Annandale, PD Tanner, PC de Jager: Limestone Neutralisation of Synthetic Acids in an Aqueous Environment and Sand Columns. Irrlgatlon wlth poor Quallty Mlne Water ln Mpumalanga, 148, Jul 2021

  283. Axel Raufelder: Basisch – reduktiv – gesund (BAREGE-Prinzip), Jul 2021

  284. Vũ Đình Khang, et al.: Research on aluminium recovery (Al) in sludge by using wet chemical method: Comparison with algorithm simulation result, ID: YSC3A.1059, Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, p.79, Aug 2021

  285. Vũ Đình Khang, Vũ Lâm Tùng Son: Research on iron (Fe) separation from leaching solution for phosphorus recovery purpose, ID: YSC3A.1060, Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, p.80, Aug 2021

  286. M Schneider, L Šimůnková, A Michaelis, W Hoogsteen: Electrochemical machining of molybdenum, Int Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol 101, Sep 2021

  287. B Chung, J Joynson, I Khoiroh, S Willis, D Foo: A preliminary study of calcite saturation states with varying pH and salinity, Conference SDEWES 2021, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep 2021

  288. Guía docente de la asignatura: Química General, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería Grado en Ingeniería Agrícola y del Medio Rural, Sep 2021

  289. ZA Shariff: PULSE process demonstrator trials, Phos4You final conference, Sep 2021

  290. H Moghimi, F Ravesh: Determining the origin of brines with hydro-geochemical methods (Case Study), Advanced Applied Geology. 23; 11(3), Oct 2021

  291. V Koskue, S Freguia, P Ledezma, M Kokko: Efficient nitrogen removal and recovery from real digested sewage sludge reject water through electroconcentration, Journal of Env Chem Engineering, 1;9(5), Oct 2021

  292. A Wales, E Taylor, R Davies: Review of food grade disinfectants that are permitted for use in egg packing centres, World’s Poultry Science Journal, pp.1-30, Nov 2021

  293. Meriem Bouguezzi: Modeling and computer simulation of the propagation rate of pit corrosion, Thèse de doctorat de l’université Paris-Saclay, Nov 2021

  294. K Fialova, et al.: Removal of manganese by adsorption onto newly synthesized TiO2-based adsorbent during drinking water treatment, Environmental Technology 27, Nov 2021

  295. Jarrad Allery: Feasibility analysis and simulation of reverse electrodialysis for the regeneration of power in desalination plants, Honours thesis, Murdoch University, Nov 2021

  296. Kaitlyn Hague: A Speciation Modeling Study of Heavy Metal Adsorption to Plastic in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Units, South Dakota State University, Electronic Theses and Dissertations 206, 2021

  297. Cecilia Polizzi: Towards an integrated removal of nitrogen and sulphur in biological treatments of tannery-like wastewaters, PhD thesis, Università degli Studi di Firenze and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021

  298. AA Abiodun, Z Nalbantoglu: Electrokinetic treatment of soft soils: Experimental study and numerical models, Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2021/2

  299. Wanzhou Wang, et al.: Assessment of shallow aquifer vulnerability to fluoride contamination using modified AHP-DRASTICH model, Chemosphere 286 p.131601, Jan 2022

  300. AA Mourad, et al.: CO2 Capture and Ions Removal through Reaction with Potassium Hydroxide in Desalination Reject Brine: Statistical Optimization, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 170, Jan 2022

  301. Rezvani Mahmouee, et al.: Application of Micro–Nano Bubbles to Improve the Performance of Reverse-Osmosis Membrane against the Gypsum Scaling, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 148(1), Jan 2022

  302. Aya, A-HI Mourad, et al.: CO2 capture and ions removal through reaction with potassium hydroxide in desalination reject brine: Statistical optimization, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 170, Jan 2022

  303. Elio Fiorito: Relevant surface reactions involving carbonates for heavy metals removal, PhD dgree, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Jan 2022

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